Materials Science and Engineering

Department history
คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยีอุตสาหกรรม มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมไฟฟ้า ก่อตั้งเมื่อปี พ.ศ. 2550 และเปิดรับนักศึกษารุ่นแรกในปี พ.ศ. 2550
ภาควิชาวิทยาการและวิศวกรรมวัสดุ มีปณิธานที่มุ่งสู่ความเป็นเลิศทางวิชาการในบริบทแห่งวิชาชีพ โดยผ่านกระบวนการดังนี้ จัดการเรียนการสอนที่มุ่งเน้นการผลิตบัณฑิตที่สามารถประยุกต์ใช้ทฤษฎีสู่การปฏิบัติได้จริง ทำการวิจัยทั้งงานวิจัยพื้นฐานและงานวิจัยประยุกต์ที่เกี่ยวพันกับอุตสาหกรรม พาณิชยกรรม และ สนอง ความต้องการของชุมชน ส่งเสริมการร่วมมือกับภาคธุรกิจอุตสาหกรรมและภาควิชาชีพต่างๆ พัฒนาภูมิปัญญาและจริยธรรมอันดีงามให้นักศึกษาเป็นคนดีของสังคม ส่งเสริมให้ผู้เรียนเป็นบัณฑิตที่รักจะศึกษาหาความรู้อย่างต่อเนื่อง
ปัจจุบันเปิดสอน จำนวน 8 หลักสูตร ประกอบด้วย
Course Name : Bachelor of Engineering Program in Petrochemicals and Polymeric Materials
Course Highlights
The Petrochemicals and Polymeric Materials curriculum has been established itself for about 27 years. It is designed as a multi-disciplinary fields and continuously modified to suit the need of the country. The heart of the curriculum comprises of 3 main areas including Polymers, Chemical Engineering and Industrial Management. The students who study under this curriculum can extend their knowledge and be capable of the problem-solving skills with different approaches and solutions while applying these skills to the related industries. In addition, the department members graduated from many differ countries such as United Kingdom, United States of America, Germany etc. have strong backgrounds and experiences on teaching and research. The department also provides very excellent equipment and devices for research, teaching and collaboration with other organizations and industry sectors
Course Name : Bachelor of Engineering Program in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology
Course Highlights
The curriculum is a multidisciplinary program which integrates knowledge in science, mathematics, engineering, economics and management. The academic staff have various expertise in different fields and most of them have doctorate degrees from reputable institutions abroad. The course contents in the program are modern and up to date with the fast changing world. Graduates from the program are desirable in the labor market and are considered leaders in the field of materials engineering and nanotechnology. The curriculum focuses on strengthening students in logical thinking as well as creating in-depth theory skills for research and development. Students and graduates have the ability to carry out research and create useful works. The graduates will have leadership skills with morality and are concerned about lifelong learning. The curriculum have strong collaboration with private sectors and institutions outside the
Course Name : Bachelor of Engineering Program in Petrochemicals and Polymeric Materials (Curriculum revised version 2022)
Course Highlights
The Petrochemicals and Polymeric Materials curriculum has been established itself for about 27 years. It is designed as a multi-disciplinary fields and continuously modified to suit the need of the country. The heart of the curriculum comprises of 3 main areas including Polymers, Chemical Engineering and Industrial Management. The students who study under this curriculum can extend their knowledge and be capable of the problem-solving skills with different approaches and solutions while applying these skills to the related industries. In addition, the department members graduated from many differ countries such as United Kingdom, United States of America, Germany etc. have strong backgrounds and experiences on teaching and research. The department also provides very excellent equipment and devices for research, teaching and collaboration with other organizations and industry sectors
Course Name : Bachelor of Engineering Program in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology (Curriculum revised version 2022)
Course Highlights
The curriculum is a multidisciplinary program which integrates knowledge in science, mathematics, engineering, economics and management. The academic staff have various expertise in different fields and most of them have doctorate degrees from reputable institutions abroad. The course contents in the program are modern and up to date with the fast changing world. Graduates from the program are desirable in the labor market and are considered leaders in the field of materials engineering and nanotechnology. The curriculum focuses on strengthening students in logical thinking as well as creating in-depth theory skills for research and development. Students and graduates have the ability to carry out research and create useful works. The graduates will have leadership skills with morality and are concerned about lifelong learning. The curriculum have strong collaboration with private sectors and institutions outside the
Course Name : Master of Engineering Program in Polymer Science and Engineering (2018)
Course Highlights
The Master Degree in Engineering Program offered by the Department of Materials Science and Engineering is aimed to provide the postgraduate students to be able to design and organize his/her research in the field of polymer science and engineering. We aim to produce the developers/ researchers who are well trained in research methodology and highly skilled in advanced instrumental analysis. He/she could work responsibly with colleagues as a teamwork and show his/her leadership, which we use the teaching assistant (TA) program as a training tool. He/she will have the life-long studying skill to search and discuss his/her works based on the solid fundamental. Nowadays, the Circular economy is being emphasized, He/she would be encouraged to conduct the research to support the practical agenda
Course Name : Master of Engineering Program in Polymer Science and Engineering (2023)
Course Highlights
The Master Degree in Engineering Program offered by the Department of Materials Science and Engineering is aimed to provide the postgraduate students to be able to design and organize his/her research in the field of polymer science and engineering. We aim to produce the developers/ researchers who are well trained in research methodology and highly skilled in advanced instrumental analysis. He/she could work responsibly with colleagues as a teamwork and show his/her leadership, which we use the teaching assistant (TA) program as a training tool. He/she will have the life-long studying skill to search and discuss his/her works based on the solid fundamental. Nowadays, the Circular economy is being emphasized, He/she would be encouraged to conduct the research to support the practical agenda
Course Name : Doctor of Philosophy Program in Polymer Science and Engineering (International Program 2018)
Course Highlights
Doctor of Philosophy Program in Polymer Science and Engineering (International Program)
Course Name : Doctor of Philosophy Program in Polymer Science and Engineering (International Program 2023)
Course Highlights

Information of Department
Office : Department of Materials Science and Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology Silpakorn University Sanam Chandra Palace Campus, Nakhon Pathom THAILAND 73000
Tel :034 109686 ต่อ 209700
Tel : 0 3424 1708
Website : http://matse.su.ac.th/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/matsesu/