Asst. Prof. Dr. Teerasak Hudakorn
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Phone : 034259025 E-mail :
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Research Area
Research Area
ตำรา หนังสือ
1. Katejanekarn, T. and Hudakorn, T. (2012), “An Intermittent Solar Absorption Cooling System Using a Parabolic Trough”, Journal of science and technology Mahasarakham University, Vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 496-502.
2. Hudakorn, T. and Boonyaaroonnate, G. “Thermal Performance of Solar Water Heater Integrated Vacuum-tube Collector with Loop Thermosyphon”, Journal of science and technology Mahasarakham University, Vol. 32, No. 1.
3. Hudakorn, T. and Katejanekarn, T. (2013) “Performance of a Square-Corrugated Air Collector with Attached Internal Fins Solar Drier for Red Chili Drying”, Journal of science and technology Mahasarakham University, Vol. 32, No. 5, pp. 592-597.
4. Hudakorn, T., Terdtoon, P., and Sakulchangsatjatai, p. (2008) “Effect of Inclination Angle on Performance Limit of a Closed-End Oscillating Heat Pipe”, American Journal of Applied Sciences, pp. 174-180.
5. Kammuang-lue, N., Hudakorn, T., and Terdtoon, P. (2010) “Establishment, Verification and Application of a Correlation to Predict the Maximum Heat Flux of a Horizontal Closed-Loop Pulsating Heat Pipe”, Energy Research Journal, Science Publications, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 96-103.
1. Katejanekarn, T. and Hudakorn, T. (2012), “An Intermittent Solar Absorption Cooling System Using a Parabolic Trough”, Journal of science and technology Mahasarakham University, Vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 496-502.
2. Hudakorn, T. and Boonyaaroonnate, G. “Thermal Performance of Solar Water Heater Integrated Vacuum-tube Collector with Loop Thermosyphon”, Journal of science and technology Mahasarakham University, Vol. 32, No. 1.
3. Hudakorn, T. and Katejanekarn, T. (2013) “Performance of a Square-Corrugated Air Collector with Attached Internal Fins Solar Drier for Red Chili Drying”, Journal of science and technology Mahasarakham University, Vol. 32, No. 5, pp. 592-597.
4. Hudakorn, T., Terdtoon, P., and Sakulchangsatjatai, p. (2008) “Effect of Inclination Angle on Performance Limit of a Closed-End Oscillating Heat Pipe”, American Journal of Applied Sciences, pp. 174-180.
5. Kammuang-lue, N., Hudakorn, T., and Terdtoon, P. (2010) “Establishment, Verification and Application of a Correlation to Predict the Maximum Heat Flux of a Horizontal Closed-Loop Pulsating Heat Pipe”, Energy Research Journal, Science Publications, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 96-103.